2022 Results
Results: Bingo 2022
See the results from all who participated in Partners in Giving Bingo. This year’s winners are:
- Jacqueline Chesson: Water Bottle
- Alicia Meyer: Bag of Candy
- Rosa Ring: Men’s Hockey Tickets
- Dan Schmidt: Gordon Dining coupon (x2)
- Ken Stonefish: Portfolio
- Abby Terzis: Gordon Dining coupon
- Amanda Venturino: Women’s Hockey tickets, Gordon Dining coupon (x2)
- Russ Whitehead: Ian’s Pizza
Thank you all who played Bingo. It was great to see everyone!
Thank you!
FP&M employees who played Bingo, Penny Wars, and/or contributed to Partners in Giving by making a pledge or individual contribution. All funds collected go toward our division’s overall fundraising total! Thank you very much for your support of Partners in Giving!
Results: Prize Drawing 2022
Employees who donated to Partners in Giving were entered in a randomized prize drawing. This year’s winners are:
- Kylie Brommerich: Water Bottles
- Penny Brown: One Month Parking
- Jacqueline Chesson: One Month Parking
- Adam Gundlach: One Month Parking
- Monty Haufle: Gordon set of two gift certificates all you can eat
- Lauren Hawley: One Month Parking
- Jenee Jerome: Slice of Ian’s Pizza & Salad
- Erik Larsen: Slice of Ian’s Pizza
- Silvie Marlette: One Month Parking
- Louise Meske: Gordon set of two gift certificates all you can eat
- Andy Powers: Gordon set of two gift certificates all you can eat
- Troy Ruland: Gordon set of two gift certificates all you can eat
- Kayla Ruplinger: Water Bottles
- Brad Schenkel: Water Bottles
- Dan Schmidt: Slice of Ian’s Pizza
- Margaret Tennessen: Gordon set of two gift certificates all you can eat
- Michael Tracy: Salvatore’s $100 Gift Card
- Dione Tyler: Gordon set of two gift certificates all you can eat
- Russ Whitehead: Gordon set of two gift certificates all you can eat
- Jeff Zebrowski: One Month Parking
Congratulations to all of the prize drawing winners. Thank you everyone for your generous donations!
Bingo Signup (signup has ended - thanks for playing!)
Play Bingo with your co-workers on November 29,2022 to help raise money for Partners in Giving! Join the game in-person at 21 N. Park St. or join online.
You can purchase a bingo card by contacting Pat Fargen (pay what you want).
After payment and registration, you will receive instructions on how to join remotely or in-person, along with your bingo card(s).
Help raise money for FP&M’s Partners in Giving 2022 campaign to add to the division’s total. There are several ways to participate.