- Description:
To ensure projects are proceeding within the intent of the Campus Master Plan and to increase understanding and promotion of the plan throughout Facility Planning & Delivery the following trainings are being offered.
Each training sessions will be between 45-60 minutes in length. Sessions are recorded for onboarding use.
Session #1: Campus Master Planning at UW-Madison (Williams)
Overview of the planning process and components of the Campus Master Plan. Why do we do campus master plans, what is the process, what does it tells us, how is it used on campus, things it includes and doesn’t include. Where is it located? Where have we been and how does it inform where we are going?Session #2: The Design Review Board and Zoning Review Process (Williams)
As part of the city of Madison approval of the Campus Master Plan UW is required to have a design review process. What is the Design Review Board, when and how do we get zoning approvals on projects? Discuss why the city reviews our projects along with the various paths of approval a project could take.Session #3: The Campus Master Plan and S/C/D Facility Master Plans (Brown)
The Campus Master Plan is a broad, visionary document. Our schools, colleges and divisions on the other hand must complete strategic plans and specific facility master plans that look in more detail including facility condition assessments, programmatic space utilization and defining gaps that feed into and inform the Campus Master Plan.Session #4: Landscape Master Plan (Williams)
How do we use and design the spaces in between our buildings? What is the big vision for the campus landscape? Present the framework for making decisions across campus related to the campus landscape and site design. How do we deal with existing trees on campus and what is the campus tree policy?Session #5: Utility Master Plan (Hanson)
Explain our existing utility distribution system as well as the recommendations to modify and expand them to accommodate proposed future development based on current and future loads.Session #6: Long Range Transportation Master Plan (Mendez)
As an update to the 2005 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), what is in the plan, how does it influence design, and ultimately what are the strategies to make travel safer and more convenient.Session #7: Green Infrastructure & Stormwater Management Master Plan (Williams)
How do we model leadership in the areas of sustainability, resiliency, and rainwater management as we continue to develop campus within the context of our lakeshore setting?Session #8: Campus Design Guidelines & Standards (Williams)
The campus design guidelines are a site-specific framework for each ‘design neighborhood’ across campus to ensure an appropriate dialogue occurs between the university and our design consultants.- Audience
Training sessions are for anyone interested within FP&D with particular encouragement given to Project Managers. By placing equal importance on both buildings and outdoor space, the plan sets a precedent that ensures the development of a world class campus in harmony with its setting while providing appropriate space to accommodate future programmatic needs.
- Format:
- Online
- Register:
Access the session recordings from this BOX Folder.