Welcome and congratulations to FP&M’s newly hired and promoted employees for March 2018:
Name | Title | Unit |
Jess Argo | Custodian Lead | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
Melissa Brooke | Physical Plant Program Manager I | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
Timothy Croy | Associate Building/Grounds Superintendent | Physical Plant-Lock Shop |
Daniel Drew | Facilities Repair Worker | Transportation Services |
Dennis Fingers | Physical Plant Program Manager I | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
Modou Gomez | HVAC/Refrigeration Specialist-Advanced | Physical Plant-Maintenance Mechanics |
Christopher Hoffman | Facilities Repair Worker-Advanced | Physical Plant-Campus Services |
Lindsey Kirk | Human Resources Specialist | Office of the AVC-Human Resources |
Justin Pope | Custodian Lead | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
Brian Reyes Santiago | Custodian Lead | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
Karl Schwister | Carpenter | Physical Plant-Carpenter & Mason Shop |
Jerome Smith | Building & Grounds Superintendent | Physical Plant-Machine Shop |
Nathan Vickery | Groundskeeper | Physical Plant-Grounds |
Ebonie Wilson-Brown | Custodian Lead | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
Cher Yang | Custodian | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
Ryan Yanke | Administrative Program Specialist | Physical Plant-Stores |
Join us in wishing the following FP&M employees the best in their retirements:
Name | Title | Unit |
Steven Hauge | Custodian | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
Stephen Ohlson | Carpenter | Physical Plant-Carpenter & Mason Shop |
Antonio Paez | Custodian | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
Joseph Vorwald | Steamfitter | Physical Plant-Steamfitter Shop |