New Hires, Promotions, and Retirements

Welcome and congratulations to FP&M’s newly hired and promoted employees:

Name Title Department
Joseph Alt Groundskeeper Physical Plant
Peter Armstrong Financial Program Manager III Transportation Services
Justin Beard HVAC/Refrigeration Specialist-Advanced Physical Plant
Tracker Dunn Physical Plant Program Manager I Physical Plant
Alison Evans-Webb Office Operations Associate Transportation Services
Jack Fischer Office Operations Associate Transportation Services
Nathan Fose Plumber Physical Plant
Harka Gurung Custodian Physical Plant
Daren Helmenstine Gardener Physical Plant
Nancy Helgesen-Lyons Office Operations Associate Environment, Health & Safety
Andrew Henter Facilities Engineer Physical Plant
Kelly Kreklow Administrative Program Specialist Physical Plant
Sean McCulley Building & Grounds Superintendent Physical Plant
Michael Meyers Administrative Program Specialist Physical Plant
Malik Mitchell Facilities Repair Worker Physical Plant
Jose Molina Ruano Carpenter Physical Plant
Madiline Mulderink-Carlson Gardener Physical Plant
Michael Parizo Power Plant Operator Physical Plant
Daniel Taylor HVAC/Refrigeration Specialist-Advanced Physical Plant
Matthew Winchell Administrative Program Manager III Transportation Services
Kula Yang Associate Human Resources Specialist Office of the AVC

Join us in wishing the following FP&M employees the best in their retirements:

Name Title Department
Richard Ferron Facilities Maintenance Specialist-Advanced Physical Plant