New Hires, Promotions, and Retirements

Welcome and congratulations to FP&M’s newly hired and promoted employees:

Name Position Department
Alberto Balderas Vital Custodian Physical Plant
Tess Barr-Hamblin Gardener Physical Plant
David Dyer Associate Risk Management Specialist Environment, Health & Safety
Jason Gavens Information Processing Consultant Physical Plant
Jason Kauffold Custodian Lead Physical Plant
Taran McKenzie Custodian Lead Physical Plant
Lance Mrozenski Associate Facilities Planning Specialist Physical Plant
Mario Murphy Custodian Physical Plant
Daniel Pichon Custodian Physical Plant
Andrew Sharp Procurement Specialist Office of the AVC
Edmond Shoat, Jr. Custodian Lead Physical Plant
Myles Strandberg Custodian Lead Physical Plant
Nathan Vickery Facilities Maintenance Specialist—Advanced Physical Plant

Join us in wishing the following FP&M employees the best in their retirements:

Name Position Department
Fernando Espinosa Electrician Physical Plant
Lhakpa Kyishong Custodian Physical Plant
David Teske Procurement Specialist Office of the AVC