Welcome and congratulations to FP&M’s newly hired and promoted employees for June 2018:
Name | Title | Unit |
Joseph Alvarez Torres | Custodian | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
Ismail Awadallah | Office Associate | Transportation Services |
Trevor Bierman | Facilities Repair Worker | Physical Plant-Grounds |
Melissa Cottrell | Human Resources Specialist | Human Resources |
Jerald Edgington | Facilities Repair Worker | Physical Plant-Campus Services |
Austin Finlayson | Custodian | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
Antonio Gaticia | Custodian Lead | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
Nicholas Helser | Custodian | Physical Plant-Custodial Service |
Terry Hoffman | Senior Facilities Engineer | Physical Plant-Campus Renovation Services |
Patrick Nampel | Heat & Frost Insulator | Physical Plant-Steamfitting Shop |
Anthony Ring | Senior IS Specialist | Physical Plant-Administration |
Jamshed Rivetna | Senior IS Specialist | Physical Plant-Administration |
Shane Rodgers | Security Officer 3 | Transportation Services |
John Schlitz | Security Officer 3 | Transportation Services |
Nathan Smith | Facilities Repair Worker | Physical Plant-Grounds |
Tanara Teal-Tate | Associate Director | Transportation Services |
Join us in wishing the following FP&M employees the best in their retirements:
Name | Title | Unit |
Charles Benton | Custodian | Physical Plant-Custodial Services |
David Propson | Senior Trades Superintendent | Physical Plant-Steamfitting Shop |
Michael Sheets | Facilities Repair Worker | Physical Plant-Campus Services |
Scott Turner | Facilities Maintenance Specialist-Advanced | Physical Plant-Campus Services |
Thomas Vilmin | Motor Vehicle Operator-Heavy | Physical Plant-Waste & Recycling |