New Hires, Promotions, and Retirements

Welcome and congratulations to FP&M’s newly hired and promoted employees for August 2018:

Name Title Unit
Hagos Michael Beyra Custodian Physical Plant-Custodial Services
Molly Bryden Program Manager I Physical Plant-Custodial Services
Hannah Dexter Custodian Physical Plant-Custodial Services
Veronica Echevarria Martinez Custodian Physical Plant-Custodial Services
Daniel Hubanks Custodian Physical Plant-Custodial Services
Melissa Nergard Director of Sustainability Sustainability
Steve Polaski Gardener Physical Plant-Grounds
Airik Reimer Custodian Physical Plant-Custodial Services
Joseph Sanabria Instrument Maker-Journey Physical Plant-Machine Shop
Peter Seel Associate Environmental Health Specialist Environment, Health & Safety
Dale Thompson Electronics Technician AG S Physical Plant-Lock Shop

Join us in wishing the following FP&M employees the best in their retirements:

Name Title Unit
Joseph Lange Facilities Repair Worker Physical Plant-Grounds
John Parrish HVAC/Refrigeration Specialist Physical Plant-Maintenance Mechanics
Cindy Statz Budget and Policy Analyst Physical Plant-Administration