New Composting Program at 30 N. Mills St.

The FP&M Wellness Committee has teamed up with the Office of Sustainability to bring composting to the kitchens and eating areas of 30 N. Mills Street.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 20 percent of what goes into landfills is food. That rotting food takes up valuable landfill space and releases harmful methane gas. The good news is it’s easy to divert food scraps from the landfill by composting!

Starting on January 7, you will see a green five-gallon bucket in each of the break rooms on floors 1, 3, and 4. Employee volunteers will empty the buckets at least three times a week into a larger collection container behind the building provided by Waste and Recycling.

Food waste from the UW-Madison campus is taken to an anaerobic biodigester facility near Middleton, WI where it is processed to generate electricity, liquid fertilizer, and solid compost. To learn more read, The Great Beyond: a new journey for compost at UW-Madison and watch the associated video.

If you would like to help with the 30 N. Mills compost program, or would like to learn more about starting a composting program in your building, please contact Bryn Scriver at