New Hires, Promotions, and Retirements

Welcome and congratulations to FP&M’s newly hired and promoted employees for December 2018:

Name Title Unit
Jess Argo Physical Plant Program Manager I Physical Plant-Custodial Services
Alexander Aviles Gardener Physical Plant-Grounds
Dustin Barbour Office Associate Transportation Services
Brian Culles Senior Trades Superintendent Physical Plant-Steamfitter Shop
Jeffrey Folk Senior Trades Superintendent Physical Plant-Electric Shop
John Kallgren Facilities Repair Worker Physical Plant-Custodial Services
Andrew Rexrode Graphic Designer Physical Plant-Campus Renovation Services
Kayla Ruplinger Human Resources Specialist Office of the AVC-Human Resources
Philip Schmelzkopf Custodian Physical Plant-Custodial Services

Join us in wishing the following FP&M employees the best in their retirements:

Name Title Unit
Brent Hemstead Steamfitter Physical Plant-Steamfitter Shop
George Juneman Custodian Physical Plant-Custodial Services