New Hires, Promotions, and Retirements

Welcome and congratulations to FP&M’s newly hired and promoted employees:

Name Title Department
Jacob Arthur Groundskeeper Physical Plant
Heidi Belling Gardener Physical Plant
Ross Boelk Tree Pruner Physical Plant
Veronica Bounds Custodian Physical Plant
Brandon Braithwaite Facilities Engineer Facility Planning & Delivery
Mariah Burmah Custodian Lead Physical Plant
Justin Chapman Power Plant Operator Physical Plant
John Cook Custodian Physical Plant
Brandon Dowd Building and Grounds Superintendent Physical Plant
Frank Horton Custodian Physical Plant
Joseph Jones Custodian Physical Plant
Nathaniel Kosharek Building and Grounds Superintendent Physical Plant
Donovan Kron Facilities Planning Specialist Facility Planning & Delivery
Charles Lilla Gardener Physical Plant
Rexford Loker Senior Facilities Architect Office of Sustainability
Donald Meggers Custodian Physical Plant
Madeline Norton Facilities Planning Specialist Facility Planning & Delivery
Craig Rhiner HVAC/Refrigeration Specialist-Advanced Physical Plant
Steven Richards Senior Facilities Engineer Facility Planning & Delivery
Lonnie Severson Custodian Physical Plant
Carlos Spinelli Power Plant Operator Physical Plant
Chad Strait Motor Vehicle Operator-Heavy Physical Plant
Deon Webster Custodian Physical Plant
Ryan Yanke Associate Accountant Office of the AVC

Join us in wishing the following FP&M employees the best in their retirements:

Name Title Department
David Holly Building and Grounds Superintendent Physical Plant
Jeffery Keller Power Plant Operator-Senior Physical Plant