The Assetworks go-live is on schedule for June 23, 2019.
Here are some resources for your use once the system is live:
- The Assetworks Team has set up a number of resources to support you after go-live. This support package includes:
- A list of champions in each functional area.
- Locations and hours of on-site help at the Service Bldg and 30 N. Mills St.
- Links to the FP&M Knowledge Base
- Assetworks Help Desk (608-263-1702)
- The FP&M Knowledge Base has been updated with Assetworks training materials, cheat sheets, business processes, and standard operating procedures.
- We have created short URLs for ReADY and AiM. These short URLs will take you directly to each of these applications.
- If you are a Go (mobile application) user, you will need to enter the URL of the Assetworks production environment ( the first time you log in after go-live. See the Go Login Cheatsheet for details.
You can also expect another announcement when Assetworks is live and open for use.