Beginning in Fiscal Year 20, Fox World Travel Service Fees will be added to UW-Madison travel charges and will again appear on receipts. The below fees will be charged:
- Concur/On Line Reservations: Domestic-$8.25, International $18.25
- Agent assisted Reservations: Domestic $25.00, International $32.00
- Group Travel Reservations: Domestic $30.00, International $37.00
Note: UW-Madison will not be charged service fees for hotel/car rental reservations or after hours calls/support. These fees will be paid by UW System Administration.
While the service fees may appear new to some users, it is important to note they are not. Please see below for a brief history.
- Fiscal Years 14–16: Fox World Travel services fees were added to UW Madison travel charges and appeared on receipts.
- Fiscal Years 17–19: UW System Administration moved from a per-charge service fee, to a system-wide service fee. This service fee was allocated to the different campuses based on campus FTE head count. Business Services allocated the fee to each division based on travel activity. The charges were applied to one funding string per division. Since the service fees could not be associated with specific transactions, Business Services could no longer pass the fees for grant-related travel to the granting agency. These uncollectable grant related fees were estimated at $84,000 per year, an approximate $240,000 loss over three years. Returning to the per transaction fees will allow us to accurately apply these fees to grants.
If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Bear, Rusty Haines or