New Hires, Promotions, and Retirements

Welcome and congratulations to FP&M’s newly hired and promoted employees:


Name Title Department
Peter Armstrong Financial Program Manager III Transportation Services
Christopher Bruns Physical Plant Program Manager I Physical Plant
Allison Bua-Demus Senior University Relations Specialist Office of the AVC
Kimberly Corcoran Associate Administrative Program Specialist Physical Plant
Antoine Hansbro Administrative Program Manager III Transportation Services
Deborah Juneau Senior Budget Planner Office of the AVC
Amanda Krause Associate Administrative Program Specialist Facility Planning & Delivery
Nathen Olgren Power Plant Superintendent Physical Plant
Marc Scateni Facilities Engineer Physical Plant
Erica Schock Custodian Physical Plant

Join us in wishing the following FP&M employees the best in their retirements:


Name Title Department
Dawn McCloskey Custodial Services Supervisor Physical Plant
Janel Oster Accountant-Senior Office of the AVC
Paul Plunkett HVAC/Refrigeration Specialist-Advanced Physical Plant