Veterans Week—November 11-15

University of Wisconsin–Madison’s University Veteran Services is celebrating the military-connected students and personnel on campus with Veterans Week, November 11-15 and the following related events.


Veterans Week November 11-15 - University of Wisconsin-Madison University Veteran Services logo overlaid on photo of UW campus

Monday, November 11:

Veterans Day Flag Event
Bascom Hill, Midnight

Veterans Day Recognition Breakfast
Main Lounge, Memorial Union. 9-10:30 a.m

The Greatest War
Wisconsin Union Theater, 7:30pm

Tuesday, November 12:

Dawn of the Red Arrow
Union South, 6-8pm

Wednesday, November 13:

UW Women Veterans Coffee Club
Memorial Union, 9-11am

Thursday, November 14:

Human Library
1193 Helen C. White Hall, 4-7pm

Friday, November 15:

University Veteran Services Lunch & Learn
305 Wendt Commons, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m


Newly introduced as a facet of Student Affairs, University Veteran Services functions as part of identity and inclusion programming. Since its inception in 2014, University Veteran Service serves military-connected UW students from pre-application to post-graduation, and is located on the 10th floor of 333 East Campus Mall. It is currently staffed by Joe Rasmussen and Jolene Anders, both military veterans and UW–Madison alumni. 

See the Veterans Day message from Vice Chancellor Lori Reesor.