Purchasing update: P-card vs. ShopUW+ dollar amounts

FP&M Cardholders and Supervisors,

The UW–Madison Director of Purchasing Services, Lori Voss, has identified campus expectations regarding the use of the ShopUW+ Vendor Catalog vs. P-card best judgement.

The expectation from campus is:

“Departments need to use the ShopUW+ Vendor Catalog as a first choice when items are available in the catalogs, rather than searching for alternate sources outside of ShopUW+ and using best judgement purchasing authority and a pcard for payment.”

-Lori Voss

This means if the item is available in the ShopUW+ Vendor catalog, you must order from the ShopUW+ vendor catalog, even if purchasing elsewhere would be cheaper.

Random purchasing card audits continue — if the items you purchase are available through the ShopUW+ catalog, but you’ve purchased elsewhere, it may result in a negative finding from 21 N. Park, UW System, DOA or LAB Audit or a Non-Compliance Notification from the FP&M Business Office audit team.

Please take time to understand these expectations to prepare. Thank you for your attention, patience, and collaboration.

FP&M Business Operations & Purchasing (BOP)
Facilities Planning & Management Division
Business Operations | Purchasingfpmbop@fpm.wisc.edu
University of Wisconsin–Madison