Purchasing Face Coverings through ShopUW+

icon illustration: face coveringAs a reminder with the chancellor’s order requiring all students, employees, and campus visitors to wear masks when inside campus buildings effective beginning August 5, 2021, please note that disposable face masks and cloth face coverings are to be ordered from the MDS warehouse core stock catalog through ShopUW+ at NO COST to campus units.

Requests to purchase masks/face coverings from vendors other than the MDS warehouse or using a P-card for masks/face coverings are not allowed/ not allowable purchases.

Additionally, items in the following categories continue to be available at NO COST through ShopUW+:

  • Mask Fitters
  • Face Shields
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Disinfecting Wipes

Orders will typically be delivered the next working day after the order is placed.

If you have any questions on this, please contact fpmpurchasing@fpm.wisc.edu.

Dawn Ness
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Facilities Planning & Management, Director of Business Operations & Purchasing
Room 101 Service Building
1217 University Ave., Madison WI 53706-1530
Phone 608-265-4215
Email:  dawn.ness@wisc.edu