Chat with the AVC – Sessions scheduled in May for all three shifts

Next month, Associate Vice Chancellor Cindy Torstveit will be hosting “Chats with the AVC” for all three shifts:

First shift session

  • 8:30-9:30 am, May 18

Join Cindy for coffee and bagels in the Lake Room, on the fourth floor of 30 North Mills.

Second and third shift sessions

  • 7-8 pm, May 5
  • 11pm-midnight, May 18

Meet and chat with Cindy over pizza and drinks. These sessions are in Room 1306 of the Health Sciences Learning Center. Cultural Linguistic Services (CLS) will be at both events to provide translation support, too.

Please fill out this form or let Molly Lenz know at or 608-263-3015. You do not need to RSVP to attend but doing so helps to plan (and ensures we have enough food and drinks, of course). Also, please let your supervisor know if you will be attending.