FP&M Performance Management Program

Rob Shively, FP&M–Space Management Office

After a successful pilot in 2015, the FP&M Performance Management (PM) project is beginning its final rollout, with the aim of implementing the program across the entire division by the end of FY16. This performance review program uses a single set of forms and a uniform process to create consistency across the division, incorporate EID competencies, and improve the review process for both supervisors and employees. The forms and the process now both meet the University’s HR Design requirements and integrate the FP&M mission, vision, and core values.

Manager and supervisor training will be complete by the end of April. All FP&M staff will complete their FY16 year-end performance reviews using the prior form and will go into FY17 using the new process. This new process also allows flexibility in scheduling performance reviews so that departments with heavier, seasonal workloads in May and June can complete their reviews as early as April. After the FY16 round of performance reviews is complete, FP&M will continue to refine both the process and the forms for use in subsequent review cycles.

Members of the project work group also presented a poster about creating a new performance management strategy as an example of EID in Motion at the 2016 Showcase held by the UW Office of Quality Improvement on March 16, 2016.

PM co-chair Rob Shively would like to thank the entire Performance Management project work group for their hard work in bringing this program to fruition.

For more information about the Performance Management program, contact Shoko Miyagi at shoko.miyagi@wisc.edu or 608-262-8419.