Bill Elvey, Associate Vice Chancellor
Winter is slowly turning into spring and it has been a few months since the last issue of Inside FP&M, so there are several updates that I want to share with you.
The move to the fourth floor of 30 N. Mills St. for the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor, Campus Planning & Landscape Architecture, Capital Planning & Development, and the
Space Management Office is now complete. Each of these groups has settled into their workspaces and is finding new ways to collaborate with each other in a more flexible, open office environment. We are also planning Open Houses for later in the semester for both FP&M staff and the rest of the campus community to show off our new space. The FP&M Human Resources and Budget groups have also moved to the third floor of 30 N. Mills St. from the Service Building.
I would also like to thank the entire division for participating in the 2016 Employee Survey, for which we achieved a 70 percent participation rate. We expect the complete survey results by the end of March, after which the FP&M Engagement, Inclusion & Diversity (EID) team will share them with the entire division.
The Performance Management (PM) program is now rolling out to all of FP&M, after a successful pilot in 2015. Supervisors and managers are receiving their training now. All FP&M staff will complete their FY16 year-end performance reviews using the prior form and will go into FY17 using the new process.
Thank you again for continuing to provide excellence in facilities and services for our university community.
The Wisconsin Union/Alumni Park construction progresses (photo credit: Andy Manis).
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