Shining Moments—November 2019

Shining Moments


It’s time to celebrate some awesome FP&M staff and departmental achievements.


Here are the January 2019, May 2019, and August 2019 Custodian of the Month award winners

Handing an award and shaking hands
Rajanee Limbu (Crew 207) receives the January 2019 Custodian of the Month award from Kris Ackerbauer, Director of Services, Physical Plant.
Branden Templeton (Crew 217) receives the May 2019 Custodian of the Month award from Kris Ackerbauer.
Jared Anderson (Crew 207) receives the August 2019 Custodian of the Month award from Kris Ackerbauer


500 Days-Congratulations!

The Charter Street Heating and Cooling Plant (CSHP) recently achieved its 500th day without a lost-time incident. CSHP staff celebrated with a luncheon and cake.

This safety milestone was due in part to CSHP staff’s efforts in implementing a program of proactively identifying and addressing hazards, according to Jay Bieszke, Executive Director, Physical Plant.

FP&M and CSHP staff at 500 Days CelebrationFP&M and CSHP staff at 500 Days Celebration  FP&M and CSHP staff at 500 Days CelebrationCake with red writing Congratulations on 500

Join us in congratulating the staff at the Charter Street Heating Plant for making safety their priority!


Congratulations to FP&M employees who received certificates for their participation in Workplace English! Their efforts were honored at the Workplace English Celebration on November 14, 2019.

Workplace English is language-based professional development programming, a collaborative effort between FP&M and Cultural Linguistic Services (CLS) in the Office of Human Resources. The programming allows English Language Learning employees to work on the language skills needed to succeed at work, including topics for safety, HR, interactions, and more.

Thank you to everyone for participating and attending!

Students accept certificates as the crowd applauds
people are sitting at tables and playing a game and talking
The group plays an interactive English language game to kick off the celebration.
Workplace English participants accept their certificates
Juan and Felix at the Workplace English Celebration
Workplace English participants and instructors, November 2019


Steele presents poster at Water@UW conference

Environmental Health Specialist Jeff Steele represented Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH) at the Water@UW-Madison Fall Poster Session & Reception. He presented a research poster on efforts to develop a water safety program to reduce legionella risk.

Water@UW-Madison Fall Poster Session & Reception is a free event featuring research, art, and activities about water in the UW-Madison community.

Read more about the poster Developing an Environmental Monitoring Plan to Minimize Legionella Risk on a University Campus and event at the Water@UW event website.

Shine On.