UW-Madison Trades Contract

The recent signing into law of the 2018-19 and 2019-20 UW-Madison Trades Contract includes wage increases and back pay. Here is what we understand for timing and eligibility. Please contact Rebecca Rohde or Sue Fritts with any questions.

General Information

  • The 2018-19 agreement provides a 2.13% adjustment for employees in pay status on January 6, 2019.
  • The 2019-20 agreement provides a 2.44% adjustment for employees in pay status on January 5, 2020.
  • Combined, the agreements result in a 4.63% increase effective 2/2/2020.

Hourly Pay

  • New compensation rates will be reflected on the 2B payroll, pay date 2/27/20.
  • 2019 WRS deductions will be taken at the 2020 rate on the 2C payroll, pay date 3/12/2020. Refund adjustment will be made on the following pay date, 3/26/2020.

Lump-Sum Payments

  • Lump-sum payments will be provided for the negotiating delay.
  • Calculation will be the hours worked x pay rate increase.
    • 1/6/2019 – 1/4/2020 at a rate of 2.13%
    • 1/5/2020-2/1/2020 at a rate of 2.44%
  • University Staff ongoing hours only will be used for the calculation. For employees that moved from project to University Staff within the bargaining unit, only University Staff ongoing hours will count toward the lump sum.
  • Lump sum payments will be on the 2C payroll, date 3/12/2020.
  • The following employees are ineligible for lump-sum payments
    • Terminated employees
    • Employees on Leave of Absence. They will receive when they return to pay status.
    • Employees in project or temporary positions.