FP&M has created a centralized process for purchasing of COVID-19 PPE such as single-use disposable masks, hand sanitizer, and other COVID-related supplies.
If you need these kinds of supplies in your unit, please keep these things in mind:
- Each department has a designated contact for purchasing COVID-related PPE. Be sure to work with the designated buyer in your area.
- Physical Plant: Kim Corcoran and Becky Barnes
- Transportation Services: Anne Bogan
- Environment, Health & Safety: Todd Yanke
- Facility Planning & Delivery, Office of Sustainability, and the Office of the AVC: Pam Zander
- Personal purchases of cloth face coverings are not reimbursable.
- Do not use a Purchasing Card (P-card) to purchase any kind of face covering.
For more information, contact FP&M Business Operations & Purchasing (fpmbop@fpm.wisc.edu).