New FP&M Tuition Reimbursement Annual Limit

Beginning with the Fall 2020 semester, tuition reimbursements for FP&M employees will be limited to $2,500 per year. This means that FP&M will continue to reimburse tuition at 100 percent for any employee until this $2,500 limit is reached.

All current tuition reimbursement policies and processes remain in effect.

FP&M leadership continues to be committed to education and professional development for our employees. This strategy allows FP&M to continue to provide support for all eligible employees while addressing our current financial situation. 

This yearly limit is provisional and will be re-evaluated during the fall semester once FP&M’s fiscal year 2021 budget situation becomes more clear.

You can also consider one of the other funding options available for UW-Madison employees.

If you have questions about this change or any current tuition reimbursement requests, please contact Kayla Ruplinger (