Shout-Outs – August 13, 2020




Circumstances change quickly these days. This is the time when the employees at FP&M shine. Here are some shout-outs and kudos to those who have been going above and beyond. 

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Mingur Dorjee and Roger Dote


Thank you Custodians Mingur Dorjee and Roger Dote for your dedicated work while detailing a lab. The customer was very satisfied with the results, and your efforts do not go unnoticed!


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Tara Schnell


Shout-out to Tara Schnell. Tara serves in EHS in Biosafety as the Biosafety Trainer. One of her roles is the liaison between Biosafety and the IT team that develops our online biosafety protocol form.

Each month I need to send materials to the Institutional Biosafety Committee and ran into an unexpected error in the system. Since the materials needed to be sent that day, I let Tara know of the error I was experiencing in the online system and she worked with the IT team to solve it. This was very appreciated by me as the day materials go to the committee tends to be a very busy one, and any delay for me can add quite a bit of stress. Tara’s helpfulness and understanding really made my day as the issue was quickly resolved and I was able to send the materials on time. Thank you Tara!

-Stephanie G. Kutz, MS, RBP


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Sue Fritts and Carmen Romero-Gonzalez


On behalf of District 143, I would like to thank Sue Fritts and Carmen Romero-Gonzalez and their staff for their assistance, support and patience in getting us through the process of filing for unemployment.

– Neville Paul, University Staff Representative District 143


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Nate Kosharek


Great job representing UW-Madison for an AssetWorld virtual conference webinar! Nate explained how FP&M is using AssetWorks software for preventive maintenance and inspections.

– Tony Helmke


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Campus Services


Shout-out to Campus Services for their superior moving services while working with the School of Education. Their team came prepared with the proper tools and a great attitude for the move. Their encouragement towards each other impressed the customer and allowed for them to complete the job in half the time.


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Andy Niedermeier, Jamie Kruger, and Kent Casey


The Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement extends their thanks to Andy Niedermeier, Jamie Kruger, and Kent Casey in Finishing Trades for the outstanding effort put forth while installing signage in their office. Their follow through, patience, and understanding is greatly appreciated!

– Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement


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Jay Maier, Adam Kundert, Mark Gilles


Thanks to Kevin Thompson, Jay Maier, Adam Kundert and Mark Gilles of the Plumbing Shop for successfully implemented a unidirectional flushing program. Consisting of 58 events across the campus water distribution system, this water-efficient method of cleaning water distribution pipes improves water quality and restores capacity.


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Physical Plant, Nate Kosharek


Physical Plant’s excellence in developing and implementing inspections was recognized by AssetWorks. Nate Kosharek was the featured speaker for the webinar “Preventive Maintenance, Inspections and the Impact of COVID-19 at the University of Wisconsin”.

Special thanks goes out to all the technicians, supervisors, and staff that have been involved in the development and initiation of our asset and preventive maintenance programs.


Thank you, FP&M employees. It is the little things you do every day that make a difference!


Is there someone from your unit or across FP&M that deserves a kind word or thank-you? Send a shout-out of your own to be featured on Inside FP&M and in an upcoming FP&M Employee Newsletter.




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