ELT Meeting Highlights 2/10

Rob Cramer kicked off this brief ELT meeting with updates around Chancellor Blank’s Board of Regents presentation and the FP&M budget strategy exercise. Read on for more details.

Rob encourages FP&M staff to watch Chancellor Blank’s February Board of Regents presentation, Moving UW-Madison Forward in a Time of Crisis. Of special interest is her discussion around the three significant crises UW-Madison is facing: continued COVID-19 response, the financial crisis caused by the pandemic, and racial and social justice crisis. Watch here

For an update on the FP&M budget and strategy exercise, Rob noted the core leadership team continues to meet and work towards the end of March deadline to submit the division’s budget. The team will present topics for discussion in the March ELT meeting. 

Sue Fritts, FP&M HR Director, gave an update on the campus Title and Total Compensation (TTC) effort. While the go-live date is pending, FP&M is moving forward to prepare staff for the new alignment and conversations that have to be a part of this process. Sue noted that FP&M HR will be sending out the employee mapping to all FP&M supervisors shortly. They will also be setting up virtual training for the last two weeks in March.

Check out this page for updated TTC information.