Do you want farm-fresh veggies delivered to campus?

squash and other vegetables arranged on a wood tableSince 2018 the FP&M Wellness Committee has made subscription-based Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm shares available on campus for FP&M employees.

Participation has waned a bit with some employees working from home during the pandemic. The committee wants to know: is this service — fresh, local produce delivered right to campus — something that FP&M employees would like to see continue?

*icon: push pin*Please indicate your interest by contacting Bryn Scriver by Feb 3 at or 608-220-5560.

If there is enough interest the committee will continue to provide this program and will let interested employees know that they can sign up with the farm!

How does it work?

  • Steadfast Acres offers three different size weekly shares (large, medium, and petite) that range in price from $375-$800.
  • New this year are customizable shares! Each week you can log in to see the farmer’s choice and make adjustments by choosing the items you want.
  • Shares will be delivered June – October on Thursdays, with pick-up between 1 – 5 pm.
  • In the past, pick-up has been at 30 N. Mills St. The plan is to continue to deliver to this location.
  • Signing up and paying for shares is handled entirely by Steadfast Acres via their website.
  • This program is open to all FP&M employees, on any shift, and not just those that work in 30 N. Mills St!

two people stand in a corn field smiling and holding a baby wearing a bright sun hatWhy sign up for a CSA share?

Here is what past participants had to say.

“The CSA was great because it was so convenient to get fresh produce delivered to me at work.”
-Alex Frank, Office of Sustainability

“The CSA box … allowed me to be more creative with my cooking. Each box contained several staple veggies like onions, tomatoes or mixed greens. But then there would be a veggie I’d never used before and they were always amazing… The box is easy to use…you get an email with the contents of your box and a few recipe suggestions so you can plan a few meals ahead of time. Such a good purchase.”
-Kate Miller, Office of Human Resources, 2019 CSA participant

vegetables are arranged on a table with many varieties:potatoes, peppers, greens, carrots, squash, cabbage, broccoli
Medium share
many types of vegetables arranged on a wood table
Large share


For more information about Steadfast Acres, visit their website. If you have questions about the CSA initiative at 30 N. Mills St., contact Bryn Scriver (; 608-220-5560).