New Hires, Promotions, and Retirements

Welcome and congratulations to FP&M’s newly hired and promoted employees.

New Hires

Name Position Department
Jeremy Beloungy Customer Service Supervisor Transportation Services
Jason Chambers Recruitment Specialist I Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor
Jesse Decker Env Health & Safe Assoc Dir Environment, Health & Safety
Emma Degan Recruitment Specialist I Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor
Linda Gassner Turek Accountant III Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor
Jamey Gehin Electrician Physical Plant
Sathasivam Manoharan Custodian Physical Plant
Katie Miles Administrative Assistant I Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor
Jean Ramos Ortolaza Custodian Physical Plant
Patrick Scott Env Health & Safe Spec II Environment, Health & Safety
Maria Segura Custodian Physical Plant
Jacqueline Siegel Customer Svcs Rep Transportation Services
Dione Tyler Accountant III Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor
Steven Walker Jr. Machinist Physical Plant
Jeffery Watson Engineering Specialist Physical Plant
Craig Weisensel Project Portfolio Mgr (Inst) Facilities Planning & Management


Name Position Department
Suraj Basnet Custodian Lead Physical Plant
David Berland Parking Op Asst Dir (Inst) Transportation Services
Joseph Borish Custodian Lead Physical Plant
Candy Cong Booth Attendant Transportation Services
Matthew Dutcher Engineering Specialist Environment, Health & Safety
Timothy Kozina Project Program Manager (B) Physical Plant
Brent Lloyd Real Estate Dev Dir (Inst) Facilities Planning & Management
Lee Lor Custodian Lead Physical Plant
Jesse Luckey Winters Facilities Plng Dir (Inst) Facility Planning & Delivery
Zhaleh Noubari Project Program Manager (B) Physical Plant
Charles Ponti Engineering Specialist Physical Plant
Andrew Powers Engineering Specialist Physical Plant
Steven Staples Custodian Lead Physical Plant


Join us in wishing the following FP&M employees the best in their retirements.

Name Position Department
Stuart Johnson Custodian Physical Plant
John Rindfleisch Fire & Life Safety Spec Environment, Health & Safety