Employees celebrated at campus ice cream socials

A recent UW–Madison article featured photos from the June 11 ice cream social on Bascom Hill and the June 13 social in Dejope Hall. These events served as a thank-you to all employees, including those from FP&M, for the amazing work done this school year.

A person holds a dish of ice cream while talking with another employee.
Cam Travis, custodial services supervisor at FP&M, enjoys a delicious treat and good conversation during the late-night ice cream social. Photo by Bryce Richter.
FP&M Associate Vice Chancellor Cindy Torstveit serves ice cream to attendees during a late-night employee appreciation ice cream social. Photo by Bryce Richter.
Silvana Julian (left) and Maria Basthemer (right), both FP&M custodians, enjoy some ice cream. Photo by Bryce Richter.
Two men in black aprons and red shirts pass out ice cream.
Binta Gassama, one of FP&M’s custodial services employees, receives some ice cream from other university employees.
Woman in plaid shirt sits at table, smiling.
The ice cream social provided a friendly — and tasty — work break for FP&M custodian Juana A Zarate. Photo by Bryce Richter.
Group of individuals sitting around circle table while enjoying their ice cream.
FP&M Floor Technician Yam Bahadur Sunar visits with other employees during the social. Photo by Bryce Richter.
Four people sit at table, laughing and enjoying their ice cream.
FP&M Custodial staff Eugenia Gonzalez, Rosa Salcedo, Tim Rubin and Lissette Perez Gonzalez enjoy ice cream while engaging in great conversation. Photo by Bryce Richter.


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