September 20 Update:
Are you curious about where some of your colleagues will be after they move? A sneak peek of the floorplans for 21 North Park is available. Read the post to learn more. More floorplans coming soon!
August 26 Update:
Physical Plant employees,
With packing and condensing your area underway, we wanted to update you on the FP&M relocations and what you can expect next.
First, thank you for your cooperation in the first steps of this complicated process. The series of moves we are undertaking will require patience and flexibility across the division, and we recognize that in a time of a great deal of change for FP&M, the university, and each of us, adjusting to different work situations can be stressful.
Due to the interconnected nature of these moves, each step’s schedule is dynamic. With that in mind, we will keep you informed on overall progress, what’s next for your unit, and steps we’ll be asking you to take. We’ll also be reaching out with opportunities to hear more and provide your feedback.
As you can tell, the schedule remains fluid and is affected by many factors. We plan to share regular updates with you and will give you as much notice as possible when action is required. Check back on the FP&M Relocation Hub soon for news and resources.
Department Move Coordinator
Tim Croy