ATP Updates (September 2020)

The Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) initiatives continued over the summer. Program leaders have shared information during ATP Ambassador meetings for each school/college/division. See meeting slides from July and August 2020 highlighting plans.

Key Highlights

ATP Change Strategy Leads are preparing for the October Board of Regents meeting where they plan to seek approval for continued advancement of ATP initiatives.

The program continues ERP and P2P cloud software selection activities including evaluating software-agnostic systems implementation (SI) vendors and a P2P transformation partner. ERP procurement meetings began in August. A quality assurance (QA) vendor has been selected for the P2P automation project, which is planned for tentative launch in April 2021.

The P2P project is intended to improve the end-user experience by making it easier to place and track orders. It also aims to improve the quantity and quality of data, streamline business processes and facilitate strategic sourcing. Project leaders are seeking cross-campus representation for focus groups and user testing in Fall 2021. Procurement and accounts payable users can participate in this process by sharing their experiences.

ATP Finance leads are holding UDDS discovery interviews. They are seeking sponsor feedback on a two-option accrual accounting approach.

ATP HR and Policy leads are meeting with the Office of Strategic Consulting and UW System to discuss policy efforts and are holding subject-matter-expert (SME) review of hiring and recruitment policies.

ATP Communications leads are building out deliverables to satisfy newly its established communications plan. Communications objectives are centered around supporting the positive adoption and implementation of a new enterprise resources planning system at all University of Wisconsin campuses. This includes creating awareness of the ATP brand, inspiring excitement about the future state and benefits of its work, laying the groundwork for culture change, and establishing expectations around a timeline for meaningful change and how it communicates about updates.

The communications strategy revolves around branding, an engaging website, voice and tone, and both in-person and remote two-way communications among  ambassador change champions and managers and their staff. Leadership engagement and listening are also important elements of the plan.

Looking ahead to October, the ATP program leaders and ambassadors will discuss and learn about the intersections between ATP and interoperability with ATP information technology leads and DoIT. The Change Strategy team is working to formulate an engagement stakeholder plan for ERP future state.

Review: What is ATP?

ATP the University of Wisconsin’s proactive response to the rapidly evolving higher education landscape. The overall objective is to right-size the administrative complexity to support the UW System’s missions of education, research, and outreach. Completing the process correctly will require transformation involving people at the forefront, and supported by policies, processes, and technology.


Have a question about ATP, or want to get involved by sending your thoughts to ATP?

Submit your feedback or questions on the ATP Feedback page.


Do you use procurement or accounts payable systems at a UW campus or institution or support them for your area? The P2P automation project is seeking cross-campus representation for focus groups and user testing in Fall 2021. Share your experiences and hopes for this project or submit your questions by visiting the P2P website.