Toys for Tots 2020

elephant, giraffe, and dinosaur toys sitting in toy train carThe tradition continues for another year with the Toys for Tots 2020 fundraiser. Things will be a little different this year to stay safe with campus health protocols. Here is how you you can participate.

How to get involved

New toys and cash donations are accepted.

Toy donations begin November 2

Bring brand-new toys to one of these locations:

Service Building
Receiving office
1st Floor
Room 102E (northeast corner of the bldg.)
Place toys on the table across from the elevator (see photo below) by the Welding Shop entrance (see photo below).

30 N. Mills 
2nd Floor
Place toys on table set up

30 N. Mills
Tool Crib
Place toys on small table outside the tool crib

Monetary donations  accepted at this time

Cash donations for Toys for Tots can be given to any of the following employees:

Bruce Skaggs 
30 N. Mills
Tool Crib

Dan Stanford
30 N. Mills
Rm 214,

Brent Skaggs

Receiving Office, Room 102E (northeast corner of Service Bldg.)Service Bldg,
1st floor Receiving


Welding Shop entrance. Find table for toys across from the elevator by welding shop entrance
Receiving Office, Room 102E (northeast corner of Service Bldg.)