New Hires, Promotions, and Retirements

New Hires

Welcome, FP&M’s newly hired employees!

Name Position Department
Helen B Thompson Booth Attendant Transportation Services
Rocio Rojas Reyes Custodian Physical Plant
Paul Michael Schmidt Heat & Frost Insulator Physical Plant
Garrett J Collins Heat & Frost Insulator Physical Plant
Talmage D Kegley Env Health & Safe Spec II Environment, Health & Safety
Jordan Nofzinger Env Health & Safe Spec II Environment, Health & Safety
Jamilette Perez Custodian Physical Plant
Margarita Del Socorro Ruiz Custodian Physical Plant
Annas Houmam Facilities Technician I Physical Plant
Edgar Becerra Motor Vehicle Operator – Light Physical Plant
Melissa Sauby Booth Attendant Transportation Services
Sandra Jean Hamer Booth Attendant Transportation Services


Congratulations to FP&M’s recently promoted employees:

Name Position Department
Shannon L O’Connell Plumber Physical Plant
William Kleckner Project Coordinator Physical Plant
Abraham Allen Schrump Facilities Plng Assoc Dir (B) Space Management
Karl N Stelzer Env Health & Safe Mgr Environment, Health & Safety
Kai E Olsen Project Coordinator Physical Plant
Madeline C Wojciuk Env Health & Safe Mgr Environment, Health & Safety
Zach D Agard Carpenter Physical Plant
Jacob M Laufenberg Painter Physical Plant
Andrew James Niedermeier Painter Physical Plant
Zachary V Haas Bricklayer and Mason Physical Plant
Madeline C Wojciuk Env Health & Safe Mgr Environment, Health & Safety
Jason Xavier Wilder Lareau Custodial Services Asst Supv Physical Plant
Ernesto Cruz Tamayo Custodial Services Asst Supv Physical Plant
Manuel Machado Custodial Services Asst Supv Physical Plant


Join us in wishing the following FP&M employees the best in their retirements!

Name Position Department
Kent Casey Painter Physical Plant
Jeffrey Ewing H&C Plant Superintendent Physical Plant