Title and Total Compensation (TTC) Phase 2

Pillars and building structure with text within each part: Roof of building says "Employer of Choice". Three pillars each say "Long-term compensation strategy", "Career Growth", and "Additional Employee Benefits"The Title and Total Compensation (TTC) project was created to help UW-Madison keep and grow its outstanding workforce by looking at how job titles and compensation structures work at all UW System campuses.

The first phase of the TTC project focused on making job titles more organized and job descriptions more consistent so that career development options available to employees were clearer.

The UW-Madison Office of Human Resources is now developing Phase 2 of the TTC Project which will draw on feedback from Phase I and focus on three main objectives:

  1. Deliver a long-term compensation strategy.
  2. Support employee career growth.
  3. Look at benefits enhancements for employees.

The goal of TTC Phase 2 is to be an employer of choice and strengthen UW-Madison’s position as a best place to work.

While the planning has begun, a timeline has not been set at this time. Look out for updates from the UW Office of Human Resources as more details become available.