FP&M staff enjoy ice cream social for 2nd- and 3rd-shift employees

UW News published a photo essay about the employee appreciation ice cream social and self-guided tour at the Bakke Recreation and Wellbeing Center on Wednesday, August 16th. More than 300 second- and third-shift employees attended the event and many of the photos taken were of FP&M employees!

Cindy Torstveit, associate vice chancellor with Facilities Planning & Management, talks with Passion Malotky, recruitment specialist, and Alondra Vazquez Rodriguez, HR generalist with the job rotation program.
Cindy Torstveit, associate vice chancellor with Facilities Planning & Management, talks with Passion Malotky, recruitment specialist, and Alondra Vazquez Rodriguez, HR generalist with the job rotation program.

To view more photos, check out the UW News article.