See shout-outs and kudos to those who received a quick “thank-you” recently.
Amanda Krause
Thank you to Amanda Krause for putting the plants in the windows at 30 N Mills. They clean the air and brighten the days. It is so appreciated!
– Dawn Schroeder
Physical Plant Finishing Shop
Thank you, Dominic Desano and Jamie Kruger for making a new dispatch board for Truck Services! The board itself is BEAUTIFUL and all the signage is just what I wanted. Jamie was very patient with all my “Oh, and can I have this too?” moments. Love the work they both did.
– Sue Hamann
Jeff Templin, Tim Blankenship and Recycling Team
Thanks so much for your assistance these past two months by regularly emptying our tipsters. Your work has helped us keep on track for a project to make more seating for students studying in the library. Much appreciated!
– Victoria Coulter
Perry Jones
A heart felt thank you to Perry Jones for his excellent service in providing us with brutes, fixing our hand towel dispensers and keeping on top of our recycling needs. Jonesy is top notch!
– Victoria Coulter
Brad Schenkel and Campus Services
Shout out to Brad Schenkel and team, Scott Henderson, Ross Berge, David Skuban, Mohammed El Hallaoui, Scott Hewitt and Jared Martin for creative thinking on window cleaning with drones. I know there are more steps to make it happen but great job on the creative problem solving.
– Scott Utter
Ben and Travis at UW Steamfitter Shop
I wanted to give a big shout out to Ben and Travis from the Steamfitters Shop. We had a cold room go down on Friday of Memorial Day weekend and having only 2 operating ones, it’s very important to keep them both running. Ben was able to get over that morning and do diagnostics on it. Found the issue with the compressor and got one ordered that morning. Travis stopped by the next week to scope the job out and let me know the compressor was in and that they would be installing it very soon.
As a facility manager, it is so nice to have quality people that work here on campus that understand how important supporting research is and that we don’t have to wait days for an outsider contractor to show up. Thank you both for your professionalism and dedication.
-John J. Newton
In case you missed it:
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