Recognize the little (or big) efforts that made a difference today
Shout-outs are a quick way to say thanks, and will appear in the FP&M Employee Newsletter and on InsideFP&M.
Use this form to give a Shout-Out to a Facilities Planning & Management employee or team. Have fun with it!
Ways to Shout Out
• Video message (20-30 sec) • Photo • Handwritten note—photo or scan • A few sentences
It’s Always a Good Time for Recognition
What’s the difference between a giving a Shout-Out and nominating someone for a Recognition Award?
Award Nomination
Nominating someone for a Recognition Award is an excellent way to highlight FP&M employees’ contributions, accomplishments, and service to a unit or department over time. The FP&M Employee Recognition Committee accepts nominations on a year-round basis for the annual Recognition Awards celebration.
Visit the recognition award nomination form page to nominate someone for an award!
A Shout-Out is an awesome way to give a brief “thank you” and recognize an FP&M employee in the moment. Share your appreciation with a broader audience by sending a shout-out!
See form above.
See past Shout-Outs