Circumstances change quickly these days. As it turns out, this is the time when the exceptional folks of FP&M shine. Thank you to all FP&M employees for their efforts. Here are some shout outs to those who have been going above and beyond.
Shout Out: All Essential Staff on campus
– for continuing to work to keep the campus functional during this critical time
Shout Out: the Human Resources team 
– for being available non-stop to answer a number of employee questions
Shout Out: Space Management and Campus Planning
– thank you Brent Lloyd, Gary Brown, Aaron Williams and Jim Post for their work to update all campus maps, building access, and organizing a complex contraction plan, and for quickly identifying and tracking all of the buildings on campus and preparing to operate on a limited basis
Shout Out: Chris Strang and the Environment, Health and Safety team
– for continued safety assessments and working with campus leadership and police to coordinate the collection of PPE
Shout Out: Utilities team
-for keeping campus powered during this time! See how they do it: WATCH VIDEO
Shout Out: Employees who stepped into EOC roles
– thank you, employees, including Anne Bogan, Brad Bauman, Jim Morrison, and Ellen Agnew, for stepping into the EOC roles to allow FP&M leadership team to focus on operations
Shout Out: Transportation Services
– for handling things on the customer service front during a busy time
Shout Out: Brad Schenkel and team
– for figuring out a new system for USPS mail coming to campus as well as FedEx, UPS, and how to handle continued critical deliveries
Shout Out: the Communications and Marketing team
– Especially Steve Wagner for helping to quickly distribute a number of critical messages
Shout Out: Physical Plant A&E
“They packed up their stuff to telecommute, packed up their offices for the impending third floor remodel (with no previous notice – 27 carts and over 100 boxes) and still got out three projects this week! I think they deserve an extra shout-out, because they worked tirelessly to get it all accomplished. I know everyone is working hard, but packing for the move really put the demands on my staff quite high. Some were already unavailable, so really the nine staff members who were there packed the thirteen offices, the interiors library, the CAD drafting area, and the reference library. The epitome of teamwork, I’d say.”
-Pamela Barrett
Send more shout outs!
Do you have a shout out of your own? Submit it (with photo or video message, if available) to be featured in the FP&M Employee Newsletter.