Academic Staff: Updates to Logging Furlough

New: Record Furlough in 1-Hour Increments

Academic Staff can record furlough in one-hour increments. Furlough must be reported in these whole hour increments using the code FURLM. Record the hours in the quantity field.

  • The code FUR50 (half day) has been decommissioned.
  • Existing entries will be manually updated by payroll staff.

All other furlough guidelines for Academic Staff remain the same

  • Maximum of 1 furlough day per work week (Sunday-Saturday)
  • Entry and approval deadlines remain the same (see “Timing” below)
  • Monthly employees must still enter all hours worked for the week. See instructions in “1) Record Furlough Time” below.
  • Remember to complete Monthly Leave Reporting as well. See instructions in “2) Monthly Leave Reporting” below.

How to enter Furlough and Leave

Academic Staff employees who are paid monthly must enter all time and absences through MyUW. This includes two actions:
1) Record furlough time in the Timesheet tab, and 2) Monthly leave reporting in the Request Absence tab. See overview instructions for each, below.
You can also refer to this Academic Staff Job Aid for more detailed time entry instructions.

"Time and Absence" rectangular tile on MyUW
Time and Absence tile

Record your furlough time right away during the week it is used.
1. Go to MyUW ( >  Select TIME AND ABSENCE tile

Timesheet Tab (on MyUW) is selected
Timesheet Tab

2. Use TIMESHEET tab for entering the furlough day and hours worked for that week

3. Find the Time/Absence Code dropdown menu
    > Select the code FURLM for any full or partial furlough days (in Timesheet)
    > Enter hours (as whole hour increments) under Quantity

"FURLM" "Time / Absence Code for Furlough Time"

4. For the remainder of the days in that week, enter the FUREG code in the timesheet for hours worked during the same week. Enter FUREG hours worked (as whole hour increments) under Quantity.

Do not enter exact hours in the Shift In/Break Out/Break In/Shift Out columns.

"FUREG" "Time/Absence Code for Worked Hours"

5. Click “Submit” button.


As a reminder, your furlough entry is not the only action required for the month. Enter your vacation, personal holiday, sick leave time, or “no leave taken” as follows:

"Request Absence" Tab is selected (MyUW)
(Screenshot) Request Absence tab

Use the REQUEST ABSENCE tab to record your monthly leave usage, even if you did not take any leave days for the month.

  • MyUW ( > Time and Absence tile > REQUEST ABSENCE tab
  • Use the dropdown menu to select any leave used (Vacation, Personal Holiday, and Sick) or No Leave Taken
  • Repeat for different types of leave used (if any)
  • "Submit" button
    “Submit” button (screenshot)

    Click the Submit button in the upper right corner

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to log furlough in my monthly leave reporting (Absences in MyUW)?
A: No. Please do not use the furlough code or log furlough days in your monthly leave reporting.

Q: If my only days off in a given month were furlough days, do I still need to enter a “No Leave Taken”?
A: Yes. Furlough is different from Leave. Enter a No Leave Taken as you normally would in your Monthly Leave Reporting using the Request Absence tab on MyUW as shown above.


  • Furlough must be entered and approved one day before the payroll calc date to ensure the furlough deduction is taken on the correct check.
  • Furlough taken in May must be entered and approved by 05/20/20.
  • Furlough taken in June must be entered and approved by 06/17/20.
  • Furlough taken in July must be entered and approved by 07/15/20.
  • Furlough taken in August must be entered and approved by 08/24/20.
  • Furlough taken in September must be entered and approved by 09/23/20.
  • Furlough taken in September must be entered and approved by 10/22/20.

If you have questions on furlough entry, please email