Shout-Outs–January 7, 2021



See shout-outs and kudos for those who have been going above and beyond.

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Robyne Gunderson


Shout out to Robyne Gunderson for being an amazing service provider for campus! She’s been on-site daily during most of the pandemic; providing a majority of the clinic services in Occ Med including fit-testing for hundreds of employees & students.

– Jennifer Kobesko


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Dar Ward and Chuck Strawser


Shout-out to Dar Ward & Chuck Strawser from Transportation Services for working with Lakeshore Nature Preserve staff on the installation and facilitation of a visitor counter within the Preserve allowing us to know how many people utilize the Preserve. In September: 18,500+.

 -Laura Wyatt

illustration: "2020 Year-End Thanks"

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In case you missed it: hear the end-of-year thank-yous and holiday greetings from Patrick Kass, Missy Nergard, Margaret Tennessen, Kip McMahan, and Jay Bieszke during the all-staff meeting.  WATCH VIDEO  [takes you to 49:53]

In addition:

  • Hear Christopher Strang’s greeting during the Q&A  [34:24]
  • See more year-end thank-yous from Chris and leadership team, and look back at shout-outs from 2020 at the start of the meeting  [6:45]


Is there someone from your unit or across FP&M that deserves a kind word or thank-you? Send a shout-out of your own to be featured on Inside FP&M and in an upcoming FP&M Employee Newsletter.


Give an even more substantial thank-you for exceptional efforts over time—nominate an FP&M employee or team for a Recognition Award. Now accepting nominations.

Complete the form on Inside FP&M:

Employee recognition is part of our culture. Learn more on the FP&M Employee Recognition program page and see how to get involved directly with the committee.