See shout-outs and kudos for those who have been going above and beyond.
Matt Winchell, Fleet Services
A big shout-out goes to Matt Winchell of Transportation Services for receiving the UWPD Chief’s Award.
“Matt answered that 2am phone call”
-Chief of Police, Kristen Roman

In a virtual ceremony in May, members of the UW-Madison Police Department, the UW-Madison campus, and the general public were given awards for their outstanding work in public safety and service to the community.
The Chief’s Award is presented to members of the community who have assisted a member of the department or have performed commendable acts such as lifesaving.
View the ceremony here.
Congratulations and thank you, Matt and Fleet Services for all that you do.
Julie Clark

Happy Retirement to Julie Clark from Occ Med/EOH team. We will miss you immensely.
-Patty Perdzock-Haas
Beck Barnes
Shout-out to Beck Barnes for all her help before, during and after the inventory count at the fleet garage in May. She was super helpful through the whole process and answered any questions we had during every step of the process.
-Sean Kypreos
Years of Service (2019-2020)
FP&M employees are recognized for Years of Service at each five-year milestone. Let’s celebrate these employees who have been working at UW–Madison for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 years. SEE ALL
Is there someone from your unit or across FP&M that deserves a kind word or quick thank-you? Send a shout-out of your own to be featured on Inside FP&M and in an upcoming FP&M Employee Newsletter.
Employee recognition is part of our culture. Learn more on the FP&M Employee Recognition program page and how to get involved directly with the committee.