Shout-Outs – September 15, 2021



See shout-outs and kudos for those who have been going above and beyond.

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Jeff Loshek and Marc Griffin

Thanks so much for the great job waxing the floors at Nielsen Tennis Stadium, they look great!

Dave Borgrud

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Marcia Jimenez

Thank you so much to Marcia for thoroughly taking care of the spill in our office. It looks great!

-Jen Barakat

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Supervisors and staff

Shout out for everyone’s efforts to complete the SJD phase of the Title and Total Compensation (TTC) project. We greatly appreciate your assistance in this huge task.

-FP&M Human Resources

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Is there someone from your unit or across FP&M that deserves a kind word or quick thank-you? Send a shout-out of your own to be featured on Inside FP&M and in an upcoming FP&M Employee Newsletter.

Learn more about Employee Recognition at FP&M.