Annual Benefits Enrollment Ends 10/23/20

September 28–October 23, 2020 Calendar icon

This year the enrollment period is September 28-October 23, 2020, ending at 4:30pm 10/23. Remember to enroll or make changes to your 2021 benefits by 4:30 pm, Friday, October 23, 2020. (This is only needed if you want to make changes or enroll in benefits.)

How to Complete Benefits Enrollment

1) Log into the MyUW portal at "Benefits Information" tile with umbrella icon
2) Go to the Benefit Information tile
3) Click on the Enroll link

Or,  see the email you received from to learn more and follow the instructions to enroll.

Annual Benefits Enrollment is the only time you can make changes to certain benefits without having an eligible life event (for example, marriage, birth, or divorce) or qualifying employment change during the year.

  • Changes made during this period will be effective January 1, 2021.
  • Certain benefits offered to UW–Madison employees require re-enrollment each year.

Benefits Enrollment Checklist

Please use the benefits enrollment checklist to help you prepare, guide, and act.

What Changes are Allowed?

See what changes are allowed during Annual Benefits Enrollment (ABE).

Annual Benefits Enrollment website (OHR), calendar of events

See the UW-Madison Office of Human Resources’ Annual Benefits Enrollment website for additional  information and online pre-recorded enrollment events, “Benefits 2021: What You Need to Know”.

Watch one of the enrollment events if you need additional guidance in navigating your benefits enrollment.