Employee Furlough Updates

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As campus announced earlier this month, furlough has been reduced by 1 day.

Please take steps to assure that you do not over-use furlough. See Take Action below.

If you do not know your furlough balance, please ask your supervisor or email payroll@fpm.wisc.edu.

Be sure to take furlough days by June 30, 2021 and enter furlough for approval no later than June 16, 2021.

Take Actionicon: magnifying glass

With the new requirement, we realize that you may have future furlough time already planned or entered in your timesheet that would exceed the new furlough limits!

Please take action so that you do not over-use furlough time.

Check your furlough balance:

icon: calculator

  • Review your furlough balance with your supervisor.
  • If you do not know your furlough balance, please email payroll@fpm.wisc.edu.
  • See the updated furlough chart for Round Two furlough if you need.

Once you know your furlough balance, choose what best fits your situation from the three scenarios below :

  1. I have Future Dated, Unprocessed, or Overused Furlough time.
  2. I have overused my furlough time (it has already been processed).
  3. I still have a remaining furlough balance to use, even after the reduction.


1) I have Future Dated, Unprocessed, or Overused Furlough time. icon: pencil point

With the new requirement, there are bound to be some employees who have future furlough time already entered in the timesheet that would exceed the new furlough limits.

You have two options:

  • Modify schedule and update Timesheets,
  • Keep the absence and swap for another available leave type

2) I have overused my furlough time (it has already been processed).

FP&M has worked with campus to develop a solution to this issue. No action is needed on your part.

If you have over-used furlough time and the furlough has already been processed, the solution depends on your employee type:

icon: coin with dollar sign

  • For University Staff non-exempt:
    • Smoothing deductions will be discontinued early.
    • No reimbursement is needed.
    • No action is needed on your part.
  • For Academic Staff employees / Bi-weekly hourly exempt employees / and Crafts Workers:
    • Any deductions in excess of the new furlough requirement will be reimbursed to you.
    • You will receive a one-time reimbursement. The reimbursement is targeted to occur on the June 3rd paycheck (University Staff) and on the June 1st paycheck (Academic Staff).
    • Any reimbursements owed will be processed as one-time, lump sums.
    • No action is needed on your part.

3) I still have a remaining furlough balance to use, even after the reduction.icon: calendar with number "30" in large lettering filling up face of calendar page

Please note that employees must still take any remaining furlough by June 30, 2021.

Academic Staff: you must enter your furlough early so that your supervisor has time to approve it by June 16.

University Staff Exempt and Crafts Workers: you must enter your furlough by the biweekly payroll deadlines.

Additional Resources

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Update on employee furlough program, Chancellor announcement 4/16; with translations 

Furlough Chart (find how much furlough time you are required to take)

Supervisors: how to approve furlough

How to log furlough time – University Staff

How to log furlough time – Academic Staff