See shout-outs and kudos for those who have been going above and beyond.
Suzanne Kostic
Thanks for all the great help purchasing on using Shop UW and initiating a requisition! I really appreciated the assistance.
-Jon Jackson
Top Tantivivat, Jesse Lucky Winters, Kate Larsh and Rob Shively
Shout-Out to Top Tantivivat, Jesse Lucky Winters, Kate Larch and Rob Shively for repurposing 66 chairs from our 21 N. Park Street moves to support our student and faculty accessibility classroom needs for the Spring 2022 semester. This work saved the university upwards of $45,000!! Great work everyone in being sustainable and taking advantage of a great opportunity to repurpose furniture on campus for a good cause.
-Gary A Brown
Is there someone that deserves a kind word or quick thank-you? Recognize a coworker by sending them a shout-out to be featured on Inside FP&M and in an upcoming FP&M Employee Newsletter.
Give even more substantial recognition for someone’s exceptional efforts over time — nominate an FP&M employee or team for a Recognition Award.
Complete the form on Inside FP&M: for the annual awards. Nominations are accepted year-round.
See tips for a successful nomination here.
Employee recognition is part of our culture. Learn more on the FP&M Employee Recognition program page and how to get involved directly with the Employee Recognition committee.