See shout-outs and kudos for those who have been going above and beyond.
Cynthia Johnson
This shout-out is for Cynthia Johnson of Crew 105. She is always very positive in her work and even sings while doing some of her chores at our building.
You can’t help but smile and say hello to her when she’s enjoying life so much. I really appreciate the attention to detail and consistency in our entire crew’s work, but Cynthia stands out with her personality.
-Rich Gassen, Digital Publishing & Printing Services
Alicia Meyer
Alicia recognized that she had access to data on professional development and certifications which would reduce research time for our unit leaders and support their conversations for planning of the FY23 budget. She worked with others on the Training team and Finance team to adapt the data to the direct needs of the budget process. We appreciate the collaboration and value that Alicia and our Training team colleagues have offered.
-Amy Rognsvoog
Robert Anderson and Shandon Gehrk
Robert Anderson and Shandon Gehrke did an outstanding job on the bearing replacement on the helium liquefier. They were professional in every manner.
I thought we would have to order a shaft delaying the repair, but they made a new shaft and provided quality bearings. The machine is all set and ready. They deserve a raise. Thank you for your timely support!
–Al Yingling
Electricians – man & woman team
I want to recognize the man & woman team who came to Building 0549 TWICE to help us unhook some printing presses in January. They were expedient, cordial, and willing to go the extra mile to ensure we had completed what we needed on this project.
I did not catch their names at the time, but they deserve to be commended for their wonderful work ethic and mannerisms. Thank you!
-Rich Gassen
Justin Beard and Becky Vick
Justin Beard and Becky Vick received a shoutout from a building occupant at Birge Hall. They were able to identify the source of a high pitch noise and resolve the issue quickly. Thank you both for taking the time and making the effort to resolve this issue! Your daily efforts make sure the needs of campus and our customers are met.
–Melissa McGaw
Manny Machado
Shout out to Manny Machado of Crew 105! He’s been working in our building for a while now, and makes an effort to be polite and talk with everyone as he does his work. It’s very refreshing to have positive relationships with our custodial staff, and everyone on Crew 105 are pleasant and cheerful.
-Rich Gassen
Physical Plant Customer Service
Physical Plant Customer Service garnered praise for responding quickly to a request for vacuuming at the law library.
The building occupant was happy that the space looked “amazing” and was all ready for the students taking exams the next day.
Shaun Frey
Facilities Specialist Shaun Frey has been complimented on his help while talking through roof issues on a campus building. Even though it was not a Physical Plant project, he was willing to come on site and review things as needed. Thank you for your assistance.
Physical Plant staff who work at the ARS greenhouses, Jeremy Mangano and Shandon Gehrke
The greenhouse manager wanted to let us know how extremely impressed with the timeliness, dedication, and skill of our service staff. Whenever we have an issue that jeopardizes research, the service workers are always right on top of it. Given the size of the organization that these people are supporting, it’s truly amazing how quickly they can respond to problems. Of special note are the efforts of Jeremy Mangano (Electric Shop) and Shandon Gehrke (Machine Shop), who just recently prevented a crop from freezing overnight due to a stuck-open greenhouse ridge vent. Please pass along my gratitude for the excellent work.
–Ben Erdman
Clay Eckstein, Mark McQueen, Brad Freitag and Dale Benoy
Kudos to the Finishing Shop for their work in the Law School. An occupant of the building acknowledged Brad’s excellent communication throughout the many projects his crew had. Mark and Dale were recognized for their great work getting windows covered in a student lounge to hide an unattractive ladder in a window well. Clay is once again complimented on his work in the building and keeping the customer up-to-date, who remarked, “His professionalism and concern is evident no matter how large or small the job is.”
Physical Plant staff who completed a job at McArdle Lab
Shout out to Kris Gunderson, Curtis Nowlen, Brad Freitag, Aaron Williams, Dale Thompson, Gary Czernizkowski, Rebecca Vick, Rich Pohlman, Sue Hamann, Todd Kiley, Aaron Agnew, David Goldade and Marvin Rosenberry for their outstanding support in completing a job for the McArdle Lab. This project had an extremely tight schedule and the customer is very grateful.
Mark McQueen
Thank you to Glazier Mark McQueen in Finishing Trades for his excellent leadership installing a slant window in the Veterinary Medicine Building. This was a very tricky install. The customer is excited to not have leaky windows on rainy days from now on!
Richard Ness, Perry Jones, and Steve Heitz
Pest Control Specialist Richard Ness, as well as Perry Jones and Steve Heitz of Custodial Services received praise for their work when a pest problem arose. The customer thanks you for being very attentive and responding to the work order so quickly. Your communication and persistence throughout the process helped keep everyone safe and resulted in a successful clean-out.
Jason Goddard and Barry Kujak
Kudos to Jason Goddard and Barry Kujak in Finishing Trades for their outstanding job repairing a door in the WIMR Building. The customer was very impressed with what quick work you made of the project.
Aaron Agnew; carpenters Clyde, Mason, and Roger; Brad and crew: Mohammad, Malik, Jim, Mike, Marty, Omar
Aaron Agnew was thanked for taking the time to stop by the law library to see the extent of work needed in the empty office suites of around 20 rooms.
The efforts of carpenters Clyde, Mason and Roger in getting the space ready for movers, taking apart furniture and removing things from the walls were very helpful. Their preparation ahead of time made the move go smoothly.
A large crew consisting of Mohammad, Malik, Jim, Mike, Marty, Omar and others onsite were sent by Brad Schenkel to the Law Library. Their help was invaluable. A staff member said, “I keep getting in their way and don’t mean to but they’re so nice!”
–Victoria Coulter, Associate Director, Law Library
Is there someone that deserves a kind word or quick thank-you? Recognize a coworker by sending them a shout-out to be featured on Inside FP&M and in an upcoming FP&M Employee Newsletter.
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