See shout-outs and kudos to those who received a quick “thank-you” recently.
Jaime Cervantes
Where do we begin – let’s just say THANK YOU to Jaime Cervantes our custodian over at UWPD who every single day goes ABOVE and BEYOND to keep our building clean. We are not your typical campus building. We are open 24/7, 365 days a year and trash over the weekends come Monday morning is crazy especially after a football weekend. Jaime handles everything we ask of him with professionalism, grace and most importantly a SMILE on his face. He’s a hard worker and we are truly thankful to have him here and a clean building!
– Cathryn Mosher
Tim N from Stores
I would like to thank Tim N from FP&M Stores. He went above and beyond his job duties to organize and make a spreadsheet/cheat sheet to help us in finding the correct valve extension for the hundreds of valves and extensions that we have. It’s so easy and fast to find what we need. Thanks Tim you are appreciated 😊
– Becky Vick
Crew 220
I would like to give a sincere Thank You to Crew 220! Screaming Shout-Out to Aissatou, Austin, Chee, Dane, Elias, Hlao, JoAnn, Juana, Mai, Maria, Maribel, Pazong and Wangmo!
Coming in new as a Custodial Lead, there is not only a lot to learn, but names to faces (as I do now), areas of responsibility and special tasks. Everyone on this crew has been amazingly helpful! “Learning the ropes” and tips from this crew has created a great atmosphere to work in, grow with and convey how I can be of better service to their work needs so that we all can succeed as a team.
With this crew, I am not only learning Hmong daily and more Spanish, but assisting with strengthening communication within an already GREAT TEAM!
– Cameron Travis
Sue Thalacker, Transportation Services
Thank you to Sue Thalacker for her assistance with UTC duties while we worked to fill an open position. We relied on Sue a number of times to assist with new employee additions and system access. Her teamwork and patience are greatly appreciated.
– Division of Business Services
Jonathan Bronk
Thank you Jonathan Bronk in the Office of Campus Planning & Landscape Architecture. His dedication and effort to lead the 95% review of the Levy Hall Capital project did not go unnoticed. The physical campus and user experience will be better for your commitment to the institution and taking the time to do things right. I appreciate you extra effort during this difficult interim transition period within CPLA.
***One kitty sticker awarded*** Thank you!
– Aaron Williams (and Rhonda)
Megan Fry, Denise LaBudda, Dennis Rodenburg, Ryan Pingel
Shout out to Megan Fry, Denise LaBudda, Dennis Rodenburg, and Ryan Pingel for their work on the Helium Resiliency grant application! That was a lot of work and coordination, and your time and expertise was invaluable! Thank you!
– Holly Laux O’Higgins
Staff who helped with Lincoln Ladder, Commencement setup and problem solving
To Commemorate their Graduation earlier this month, a long line of graduates wishing to have their photo taken on Abe’s lap formed near the statue on Bascom hill. Without much notice, FP&M staff jumped in to help set up and staff the ladder so that graduates could safely have their photos taken. The ladder had to be manually moved into position by a few staff members to help the graduate climb onto Lincoln, then be removed from the shot, and returned to retrieve the graduate after the photo. Shout-out to Todd Sanford, Dan Ward, Kevin Krantz, Andrew Thurlow, Alex Estelmann and Jeremy McIntyre (Grounds); Phil Friend, Joe Sanabria, Mike Clough, Chris Bondurant, and Ed Butrymowicz (Machine Shop); Scott Hewitt, Victor Lombardino, Dave Mathews, Jerry Meise (Campus Services); Thomas Porter (FRW Plumbing Shop); Gannon Piernot and Shane Milleur (FRW Finishing Shop); as well as supervisors Brad Schenkel, Jerry Smith, and Ellen Agnew.
More shout-outs go to the entire Grounds, Campus Services, and Transportation Services teams for Commencement setup and problem solving. A special thank you to Aaron Abraha from TS for his help on commencement day to unstick the traffic jam in Lot 17.
– Cindy Torstveit
Ben Brindley and Aaron Petrowski, Steamfitting Shop; and staff and managers coordinating ice arena response
On behalf of Aaron, Sadat, myself, Chad, and the whole team at Rec Well, we want to THANK YOU for negotiating with DOA and others yesterday to help us get campus steamfitters to review the problem with the chiller lines at the SubZero ice arena. Losing the sheet of ice would have meant the cost and labor of pouring a new one, repainting, etc., and worst of all, would have meant we could not serve students for two weeks while we remade it. Ben from the physical plant team was quick with problem solving and had ideas to preserve and save the sheet of ice. By this morning, 2 of the 4 compressors were running and the slab is back to its set point of 14 degrees. Although we’re still crossing our fingers, we believe the sheet of ice is most likely saved.
We know this involved many people from your team, including you, and we greatly appreciate the ability to work together. If you all give staff awards, we hope this will be up for consideration and we would be happy to share anything further for the nomination process. In the meantime, we welcome you to share this thanks with others on your team who were involved.
– Ruth Vater, Recreation & Wellbeing
In case you missed it:
Send a Shout-Out
Send a shout-out of your own: recognize FP&M coworkers in the moment by filling out a quick form.
Extra credit: add a photo.
Employee Recogniton Awards
Thank you for telling the story of good work through the lens of your unit and shining light on your coworkers by nominating them for an Employee Recognition Award! All further nominations will go toward the 2024 awards.
We look forward to seeing you at the awards celebration on July 25, 2023. Save the date: daytime | late-night