For second- and third-shift employees.
Save the Date! Employee Recognition Awards Reception
Join your colleagues to recognize the 2018 award recipients.
FP&M EID Survey Results
The division-level results of the 2018 Engagement, Inclusion, and Diversity (EID) Survey.
Employee Appreciation Ice Cream Social
An invitation to the ice cream social from Chancellor Blank.
FP&M Employee Recognition Awards
Nominations are due by May 4, 2018.
FP&M Exceeds Survey Participation Goal
FP&M not only met, but also exceeded, our participation goal.
Safe Learning and Work Environment
A new guide from the UW Office of Compliance.
Take the 2018 EID Survey
Let your voice be heard!
Campus Resources for Hostile and Intimidating Behavior
A new online resource to help identify and address instances of HIB on campus.
Year of the Dog Calendar
Download a copy of the Year of the Dog calendar, courtesy of the University Staff Congress.
2018 VCFA EID Survey
Mark your calendars! The 2018 VCFA Engagement, Inclusion & Diversity survey will be conducted from February 5-March 5, 2018.